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Ea 81 blows head gasket

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I think my head gaskets just blew is it possible for them to blow in such a way that coolant can get into the crank case but oil cant get into the radiator. the exhaust hasnt smelled of coolant except the coolant and oil that makes its way into the intake after it clogs up the pvc system and backs up into the air filter housing. also the spark plugs looked normal when i checked them.


Is it ok to just change out the headgaskets without rebuilding the engine the oil only looked bad for about a week before i stopped driving it the lifters where beginning to become noisy.

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Headgaskets can blow in all sorts of exciting ways. Does the oil in your oilpan look like a milkshake?


It would help to know more info about your car, year and engine-type. If it is the car in your signature ('82) then it shouldn't have any hydraulic lifters/lash-adjusters to be affected by the oil (so the noise is something else).

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if you have an ea71 or 81, no amount of tricks to fix the HLA's will work, simply because those engines lack them. If you have the tick of death, try resealing your oil pump. I did that but the tick of death remains. I think I'm going to have to rebuild/clean/replace lifters and a valve job. I think noisy lifters are just a common plague for the earlier subes.


If you have lightish brown milkshake oil, new headgasket time.

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