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Justy RB questions

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The other day the bottom end started making a terrible racket. It ended up being the chain that drives the balancer shaft and oil pump. It is very loose.


I now have the engine pulled and am going to inspect it and fix things as necessary.


I can't figure out how to get this chain off. I think I may have to use a puller on the sprockets, but if someone has done this before I'd like to know how they did it.


I have no manual of any kind for this car. Other than the FSMs, is there any good resource out there that people have used? Detail of engine and transmission is the most important to me.

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all 3 sprockets come off at the same time to get the chain off if I recall. Remove the chain guide first of course. Are you absolutely sure its the balance shaft chain? Those engines have a huge lubrication problem and the lower end goes out at around 130-140,000 on average. Chiltons manuals obscurely go over justy info.






you shouldent have to use a puller unless they are really baked on there, just gently pry with two flat blade screw drivers on the crankshaft sproket, followed by the other two untill you can slip one of the sprokets off and the chain will come off.


beck arnley #024-1051

Napa #94166

for the chain guide the napa # is 95278

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Those engines have a huge lubrication problem and the lower end goes out at around 130-140,000 on average. Chiltons manuals obscurely go over justy info.




You could be hosed Bushbasher IF you see the oil light on at low RPMs. Justys have a steel oil pump in an aluminum housing and it wears out over time. You will need to rebuild the oil pump and possibly re-sleeve the shaft wih a bronze bushing. I can give you a name and a number to call if you are interested.


The Chilton really does blow for Justy info which is weird, because I have a set of factory manuals with "Chilton Library" stickers all over them. :-\



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The oil pump is in mint shape, rod bearings are still good, and its got 180,000km on it. The chain is just making a racket, its really loose.


I guess I'll have to find a puller, these sprockets wont come off easily. The chain guide cant come off until the sprockets come off, it has prongs that sit behind the sprockets.


Thanks for the part#s

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Ok I can do that, but what are the main and rod cap torque specs? like I said no manual.


I can get those to you probably Friday night when I return home from a business trip. I won't ask my wife, she won't be able to find in the manual.



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I can get those to you probably Friday night when I return home from a business trip. I won't ask my wife, she won't be able to find in the manual.




Con Rod Bearing - 39-45 N*m or 29-33 ft*lbs

Main Bearing Caps - 41-47 N*m or 30-35 ft*lbs


Oil clearance Con Rods - .020-.053mm or .0008-.0021in

Oil clearance Mains - .014-.043mm or .0006-.0017in


Other useless information upon request.

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