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Innexpensive LSD's... OBX?


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I just discovered them over on NASIOC, but aparently they have been out a couple months...


OBX, a "cheap" brand that has been putting out parts for Subarus for a little while now has a front LSD for EJ 5-speed Subarus for only $450 now, and thats brand new not used... I've never seen diffs for that cheap before.




Thoughts anyone?

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  Numbchux said:
if you feel confident tearing into your tranny....


I want to put a front LSD in my car! don't get me wrong....but it's probably the only thing that I don't want to do on my car!



not me, I'm skeered... my dad has taken apart numerous transmissions and apparently he feels it's "no problem at all".... I'll let him deal with that part :lol:

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i dont know about the phantom "copy" of the helical, but i do know that i have absolutely no idea what is in my tranny, or how not to mess it up when i take it apart/ put it back together. if i wanted a front LSD that bad, id buy one, and drive my white butt down to eugene with tranny in car and pay Mudrat79 to do it for me. like previously said, the one part on my car i care NOT to know how to fix/modify.




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reading on the ebay page, it says it will fit all 02-05 subarus...... that kinda kills it for us older gen guys..... i would love to put a lsd in the front on the legacy, but if it doesnt say that it would fit a 90 legacy, then i wouldnt get it.. of course the problem then is that there really isnt anything that says it would fit my car.......

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  offroadsubaruguy said:
reading on the ebay page, it says it will fit all 02-05 subarus...... that kinda kills it for us older gen guys..... i would love to put a lsd in the front on the legacy, but if it doesnt say that it would fit a 90 legacy, then i wouldnt get it.. of course the problem then is that there really isnt anything that says it would fit my car.......


search in the old gen for a post by WJM about front diffs.....he took an EJ tranny apart, and an EA one....and the front diff CARRRIERS are the same, any 5-speed subaru tranny has the same front diff. not sure about 6-speeds, but since this says WRX AND STi, I would assume they are interchangeable.


that also means it'll fit in your legacy if you've got a 5 speed.

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  offroadsubaruguy said:
reading on the ebay page, it says it will fit all 02-05 subarus...... that kinda kills it for us older gen guys..... i would love to put a lsd in the front on the legacy, but if it doesnt say that it would fit a 90 legacy, then i wouldnt get it.. of course the problem then is that there really isnt anything that says it would fit my car.......

Subaru's are like legos. The EJ 5-speed has hardly changed over the past 15 years... They say only 02+, but I see no reason why it wont fit any EJ 5-speed, and it might fit 4EAT's too but I don't know for sure.

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After seeing the OBXs on E-bay, some internet searching turned up some disturbing reviews from Honda guys. So please, mount one up in a Subaru and tell us how it works!


I thought Phantom Gripe was just a cheap friction LSD, putting aluminum against aluminum for the friction? Does this look helical to anyone?


I'd say definitely not a copy of a helical type.

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  MountainBiker said:
After seeing the OBXs on E-bay, some internet searching turned up some disturbing reviews from Honda guys. So please, mount one up in a Subaru and tell us how it works!


I thought Phantom Gripe was just a cheap friction LSD, putting aluminum against aluminum for the friction? Does this look helical to anyone?


I'd say definitely not a copy of a helical type.



yup just found honda dude's gripes... I'll stay away from OBX thank you!!!!!

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