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trying to figure out the workings of the alarm system

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I have a 98 Outback. Yesterday after disconnecting the battery the alarm armed itself and I could not start the car. From yesterdays suggestion I pressed the little black toggle switch on the driver side kick panel with the key in to disangage the alarm and the starter kill circuit to eventually start the car. The problem that poped afterward is that everytime the alarm is disarmed and all the car doors closed the alarm rearms itself and locks all the doors in about 30 seconds. Opening the driver door with the key does not disable the alarm. It goes off again with the lights blinking until the alarm is reset using the toggle button. The car can then be started and driven until left again and the doors closed. Once the doors are closed it will lock itself again and the ordeal has to be repeated to start the car. I do not have a remote. What can I do to disable the alarm so that it will not repeat this crazy cycle? Is there a certain way the toggle switch needs to be used to disable the alarm properly? thanks for any help.

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Do you know if it's a factory alarm or aftermarket alarm? It sounds like the alarm is autoarming itself. I haven't heard of any factory alarms that autoarm. If you can find out the make & model of the alarm, you could probably find instructions how to program it....plus maybe get a new remote.

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It looks like a Subaru alarm. I followed the disangage procedure for the Outback on this page




and it was not having any effect until I disconnected the battery once more and retried both procedures again after reconnecting the battery. It worked, and I have not had any alarm problems since.

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