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Help please

Im having a problem with flooding, the engine floods bad!!! Can an injector hang open? I have a 1990 legacy wagon 115k. I had a bad injector code and took the injector out and cleaned it, afterwards it flooded. It wont hold fuel pressure. I need a blow up showing injector assembly or order of operations when installing injector. Im doing something wrong here. Wow an injector isnt cheap.


The DRifter

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You probably don't have the injector seated all the way. Make sure it's seated all the way. It should snap/pop in. They're not the easiest to get in and out.


Did it flood before you took it out? When you say it's flooding, is it leaking fuel on the engine, or how do you know it's flooding?

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Believe me its flooding, it not holding fuel pressure so all that ga s is going somewhere. It wouldnt crank, I guess all that gas created a hydrolic lock in the cylnder. Anyway gas is everywhere. ANd to answer the other guy the injector is either 130 or 2hundie something, thats alot to replace a part that just might be dirty. I put a lil vasaline on the o rings and the injector sat down pretty easy.

My haynes book dsnt have a diagram of injector gaskets so i dont know if I am missing somehing.



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Is it an AT or MT?


I've got 2 pics of the AT injectors.




Not sure if that will help.


I've got a complete set of them. They worked fine when I pulled them out to do my motor swap. The plastic on the top on one or two of them is a little cracked....but if you want them, I'd sell them to ya for cheap.


Let me know.

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Its an AT , and that looks like the right injector, i only need one if u want topart with one. 777 thanks for all the info if it wasnt for your great pics I wouldnt have found the codes OR THE WIRES TO JUMP THE ECM.

Ill be away for a couple of days so ill get back to you tues of next week.

Do you think you can send it out next day. Do you take paypal?


The drifter

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Its an AT , and that looks like the right injector, i only need one if u want topart with one. 777 thanks for all the info if it wasnt for your great pics I wouldnt have found the codes OR THE WIRES TO JUMP THE ECM.

Ill be away for a couple of days so ill get back to you tues of next week.

Do you think you can send it out next day. Do you take paypal?


The drifter


I'd prefer to keep them together. Make me an offer for the four of them. Yes I take paypal, and can send it anyway you'd like.


Shoot me a pm or email, and we can try and figure things out.

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