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2000 Outback cuts off on hard left turn

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Hello everyone! This looks like a great place to get some help with my 2000 Ouback. Suddenly I am having problems with the engine cutting off or comming close to it on a hard left turn. I have seen a reference to this symptom when i do a Google search but no real info or resolve. Car has 110,000 miles on it.


Anybody know anything about this or lead me in the right direction for help.


Thnx for any help.

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Do a search here for "torque bind", should give you plenty to read. The easiest thing to check first would be to see if your tires are all inflated to proper spec and have similar tread depth. This happened recently to me, but it was on a right hand turn, had a slow leak in one of the tires, good luck.

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Thanx guys. I looked into "torque bind" and while it is something to be aware of that is not the problem. I put in the fuse, got the FWD light on the dash and car still cuts off or hesitates badly on hard left turn. (all tires up to proper pressure) It does seem fuel related since I doubt amy electrical components would be affected by a hard left turn only. Right turn doesn't affect it. Will top off the tank and see if it is any difference. Tank has been lower than half while I first started having this problem.

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i think there is a pressure switch in the p/s system some place. The purpose of this switch is to have the computer raise the htrottle speed a hair when turned to lock. If this switch isnt working the car will stall on turns. One thing to try (got strong arms? turn the wheel to full lock. Remove the ps belt and make the car cut a circle. If it doesnt satll its cause the PS system is loading uo the engine and the switch is not compensating for it. Just an idea.





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Sounds familiar, I would also have a similar problem with my 93 Legacy L, when my tank was at less than 25% fuel load, the car would hesitate when cornering hard, I assumed it had to do with the fuel pump. have you attempted to check fuel level in your tank when you corner?

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This has been a tendency of Japanese equipment for a long time. Do a google on Koga's Zero. Seriously this is probably a pick up problem and some times the end can rust off a pick up tube leaving you unable to get the fuel in the bottom of the tank. These are odd tanks too, one guy had that problem and it turned out his fuel gauge was off. He ran out of fuel right in front of my house while we were testing reading a hald tank. He is too broke to fix the gauge but now he knows how to use his odometer.

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Thanx guys for the increased info. I finally got to do some testing and it looks like is is fuel related and not electrical. It is also related to how hard I corner, have done extensive testing in parking lot. I lock the car in various turn radiuses and start acelerating. It reaches a point where it cuts out. I am at 1/4 tank and today will fill it up and repeat tests. Fuel Guage is OK. Will let you know.


Ahh! But fuel injection at least does not have THAT problem.


While the Zero was supremely maneuverable at low speeds, its controls became heavy at high speeds, and it rolled to the left much more easily than it rolled to the right. Also, due to its float-type carburetor it tended to stall under negative gees, as would be encountered if the Zero were climbing and then had to bob back downward while remaining upright. An American fighter could escape the Zero by bobbing up, diving while the Zero's engine stalled, and then rolling to the right. Japanese writer Masatake Okumiya, author of the classic book ZERO, claimed that the loss of Koga's Zero was no less serious than the Japanese defeat at Midway.

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