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Ethanol? 4th Gear Stumbling

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Well thought I had solved the problem with vacuum hose leak, this morning stumbling on the highway again. Hose is fine not the issue I am wondering if it might be the ethanol they start adding to the gas here in oregon in the winter? If not that, something is up with fuel delivery.

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honestly, when I was carbed, I had to readjust everything for summer vs. winter - the other possibilities are a worn-out fuel pump, clogged fuel filter/air filter, and condensation in the gas tank - many products are made to clean the fuel system/condensation out - I would go ahead and try one


how are your plugs, ignition wires, cap, rotor? those can cause highway problems as well

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Ethanol should take care of any water/condensation issues. That's what HEET and other gas dryers are made of.


It's possible that it might be fuel-related, but if it's vacuum it should be most noticable at idle. I would also look at the distributor cap/rotor, coil, etc.

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