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EJ swap problems


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I've had the EJ running in the car for about 2 months now, and i decided to "clean up" the wiring, and now it dosn't run argh.


Just needed to vent, its not the daily driver, i can borrow my dad's forester for the next few weeks, but this thing is getting me on my last nerve.


It cranks just fine, and its getting fuel, so i'm assuming i have an issue with the spark, but i can't seem to figure out why i don't have it.

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sorry man i cant be of too much help but......check your fuses. make sure your cam and crank sensors are screwed in all the way. and see if your grounds came loose. without seeing more or knowing more i cant help you, but you know you should have "cleaned" up the wires one by one.





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sorry man i cant be of too much help but......check your fuses. make sure your cam and crank sensors are screwed in all the way. and see if your grounds came loose. without seeing more or knowing more i cant help you, but you know you should have "cleaned" up the wires one by one.







I cut and soldered one by one, so i'm pretty sure that they are all still good, and i'm 99% sure that my grounds and power feeds are good, which leaves me with the magic voodoo queen, and i am at her mercy.

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