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v-belt tension

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What's the best way to check the tension of my belts? They have been slightly squeaking for a week or so, and now I started hearing the water circulating behind the dash alot more. Hope it isn't the water pump.


I know I'm an idiot , how about some help? Anyone?

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HEY! You stole my method! That's how *I* do it..... no fair!


The water ou hear is air bubbles in the heater core - you need to let the air out. Park it on a hill (nice steep one), and turn the heater on to get coolant flow into it, then remove the radiator cap with the car running - should fix up your problem.



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Ummm to tighten the alternator look at the back of the long pivot bolt... this is the BajaVWSCoobnut method.... use a 14mm combination wrench on the back nut (use the open end as its not a perfect hex) then use the wrench to put tension on the belts... then tighten up the outher 12mm bolt... you now have tight belts and can do it singlehandedly too :D

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