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ABS not functioning correctly...

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Hi Subarufolks,

The ABS system in my 96 OB is having intermittent problems. Thanks to recent weather the sloped road up to my parent's home is now sheer ice. Not that I give a damn my Sube crawls right up it no sweat. Coming down it the other day I noticed that sometimes the ABS fails to engage, locking the wheels sending me towards a ditch. I have to let off the brakes and 'try again'. Seems that pressing down hard and quickly on the brakes causes it to fail to engage while with a slow and gradual braking the ABS works fine.


Any ideas?


Thanks much!


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I'm pretty certain mine has engaged even at very slow speeds.


The argument that the ABS won't engage below a certain speed (I would guess 5-7 mph based on experience) seems to be the correct one.




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