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This is my first post here and I'm kind of curious about subarus. Currently I own a volvo wagon and I'm incredibly happy with it, however after comparing the cost of luxury cars to other cars I figured I should consider breaking my customer loyalty.


Anyways, for the current line of subarus, the outback or other wagon subarus, what's the max mileage on them? I've gotten one volvo to 263,000 and was told I could have gotten it to 300,000 with proper maintinence. What could I expect from Subaru? I'm never planning on actually getting a car to 300,000 but it's nice to know anywho. Thanks for your responses! :)

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You can expect the same from a Subaru as a Volvo. Lots of people with lots of miles. My 95 has 189k on it and runs like new. No major repairs. Subaru is a lot like Volvo was before being bought out. Just like volvo they used 2 or 3 engines in everything, those engines shared common parts, the drivelines and suspesions are alomst identical from model to model, so they have tons of real world testing to refine the cars and increase reliabilty.



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I went from Volvos to Subaru. The later model Volvos were pretty expensive to maintain compared to the earlier rear drive ones in my experience. I am very satisfied with the switch. However, you may like the "prestige" look with the other luxury brands you're considering.

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I have 248,000 miles on my '95 Legacy wagon. I keep saying that I'll get another one when I hit 300,000 (which should take me about a year and a half), but now I'm not so sure. It just runs so well that I may keep it even longer. I bought it with 175,000 miles, and aside from scheduled maintenance, the only repairs I've had done are one wheel bearing, the shifter bushings, an exhaust hanger bolt, and a bracket that holds up the transmission. That's about $1000 of repairs over the last 2 1/2 years and 75,000 miles. Considering payments on a new car would have been about $12,000 during that time, I feel like I'm cheating. I only paid $2,300 for it.



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I've had four of them with over 200,000 miles. The first three were college cars -- the kind that have had 8 owners in the past 12 years... So they were pretty much worn out. One went to the school shop class, but two I still sold. One of those made it one more owner before going to the junkyard, and the other one is two more owners past me, and I still see it driving around occasionally. My current one has 206k, and I expect it to last to 250 at least, hopefully 300. It's only had one owner before me, and better maintenance.

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  Drazgoth said:
I've gotten one volvo to 263,000 and was told I could have gotten it to 300,000 with proper maintinence.


Man!!! That HAD to be a Pre-Ford Volvo. LOL. I thought Volvo's were renowned for safety, not reliability. That being said, If I could afford a BRAND NEW vehicle, I'm certain it would go 300K with no issues. But I'm anal... REALLY anal. Organized my maintenance records, ran across two oil change receipts for the month of August. 6,500 miles in one month. Needless to say, I'm glad my girlfriend fly's planes professionally now. :brow:

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  vic/se said:
Somebody in Sweden as gone as far as 810000km on a 2000 outback.

you can read about it on high mileage subaru site


Frist off, about that one in Sweden: :eek: !!! Thats rare. Ovbiously not impossible per se, but rare. I haven't been to the high mileage site in a while now- I'm going to have to go and check that out!!


Anyway, mine has 315-odd km's on it, and its a 90 Legacy L Wagon. The engine for the most part is fine, rust is a real issue where I am tho



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I sold my 97 OBW to my sister in law with 165K, as hers was having some problems - 255K. So they don't all last to 300K.


It takes a dedicated owner but many cars can make 300K. A fellow at work traded in his 98 Ford Explorer with almost 300K miles because it needed a new catalytic converter ($1,000 job) but it ran perfectly.

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