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SoCal Junkyards?

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I'm in San Diego, willing to go as far as southern LA, looking to find a do it yourself junkyard, don't like the ones where they pull it themselves. If anyone down here has a "favorite" where they treat you right and the prices are fair, let me know.

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jesus what are you doing down there??? Dont you live like way up north?


Anyway, look for an "Ecology Auto Parts" They are all over southern california and i hear that they are awesome.




I'm in San D for a month or so, then i'm heading up to seattle to live out of the back of my subie in the U district until i get a job or another degree which ever comes first.

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There's a small Ecology in Oceanside, but a large one in Chula Vista/Otay Mesa. There's even another about two stones throw from Mexico - you can see the border fence - lol. I've been to them all and there's always Subes and occasionally Peugeots in the CV one.

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Thanks for the links, i need some stuff for the 88, and i might clean them out of their pug stash.


I also got a wild hair to find a 1980 hatch, the parts to make the 5 lug conversion, and a USDM EJ20T, and make myself a Cannonball hatch replica. but that i think is a little ways off.

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Subaru World auto parts in Glendale is apparantly has the most Subaru parts of any salvage yard. I'm going to be heading up there one of these days to get some brake parts.


They seem to be a little pricey, though.


Bah, there pre-dismantled, whats the point of fishing if the fish are sitting in a cooler down by the docks.



Thanks though, any place with Subaru in their phone number can't be all bad.

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just relating to eco-parts.. theres an eco parts in pheonix, huge yard.. acres of cars... relatively high prices.. Im telling you the folks at the eco parts ive been to are trained very well they're pretty good at identifing parts.. i just didnt like paying 190.00 for "most" of the parts for a spyder intake. After spending the last 2 hours in 110 degrees pulling it, I wasnt just gonna leave it at the front..


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