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fenders and tires

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I've been thinking about cutting the fenders on my '92 loyale wagon to make room for bigger wheels and tires and i have several questions about this. For the wheels, i've been thinking about using ones off a toyota and doing altering the studs in order the fit the toyota's pattern. Are there any problems with strength to do this? Also when i put the tires on, I'll need to cut the fenders to fit larger tires. What problems may i run into while doing this. Will it cause water leaks? Finally how big of tires can i fit without causing them to rub? Any information will be helpful. Thanks

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depends how much u wanna cut, i know Zap fit like 28's on a non lifted hatch. With quit a bit of cutting, u could probably run 26's or so. Lifting is the best way to go though, then u could run 29's, but i wouldnt go anybigger than that. not that they wouldnt fit, just ur gearing would be way off. and another thing, when u go up to the bigger tires, take note that ur speedo is gona be off by a few mph. Now for the 6 lug swap, i dont think u'll have to worry about strength.. are u going to drill the holes urself? or are u going to take it to a machine shop? well anyway, good luck.

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