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Dealership said???? Non vs Turbo tranny

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Went to the dealership for tranny gasket and I had mentioned that the tranny the I put in was a Non turbo tranny. The guy replied back saying I would burn it up faster then a Turbo Tranny. Anyone know why this is:confused:


Car is an 85 GL 4x4 Turbo with non turbo auto tranny

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I believe he's full of sh!t.


I don't think there is any difference between Turbo and N/A on those trannies. I know the spline count is the sam on the axles.. although the turbo axles are supposed to be stronger(more bumps on the shaft)

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I think he's full of sh!t too. FYI, I'm also running a nonturbo tranny in my turbo XT.


Maybe he meant that if you just put in the trans and nothing else you'd burn it up? Meaning if you change the trans and not the rear diff you'll burn it up the second you engage 4WD. Long as your transmission and rear diff have the same final drive I doubt there will be any problems.

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Yes there is a difference between the two, the Turbo trannies have more clutch plates in teh clutch packs (I think it's 1 or 2 plates more than the non-turbo, forget exactly, but I *think* it is 2 extra plates for the forward clutch and 1 extra for the high/reverse clutch and the low/reverse brake.)

Either way, the turbo trannies are made to handle more power but being that there is like a 30 HP difference between the turbo and non-turbo, I don't think you are going to run into any trouble.


The other possible difference is that the turbo tranny might have different shift points as well as a higher flow oil pump but that is pure reasoning, I do not know for sure, but I do know for sure that the turbo tranny has a few more clutch plates than the non-turbo.

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