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Forester transmission problem

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I have a 99 with auto transmission. The problem I am having is that trans fluid is coming out of the two top vent hoses. Of course the catalytic converter is right below and so it always has a faint smell of burning oil.


I never see any drips on the garage floor, the side of the trans below the hoses has oil on it. In the two weeks since I filled it there is no noticable loss of fluid but I can tell there is some loss just by the continued smell. ATF is not discolored and in great shape.


About 2 months ago after a 65mph drive in 95 degree weather there was a large loss of fluid and alot of smoke but since then no similar problems. The fluid and filter was changed a year ago when I purchased the car.


Should I go to a trans shop( I am afraid to do that) or try a dealer? Anyone have advice...or a similar problem?? What would be a best next step? thank you

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My 93 Legacy Auto just started doing the same thing as yours-LSG on another board knew what was up. Check your Trans-axel fluid level-If over filled with ATF-Then your front seal is leaking into your Trans-axel. Mine started comming out the overflow tube when the Trans-axel was way overfilled with ATF. My fix is to do front seal on Transmission($1,000) or find used one. Good Luck. Dave in Tahoe.

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I checked the gear box( the smaller dipstick on the opposite side from the atf stick) and the oil level was ok and there did not seem to be any contamination with ATF. So I still have no clue. I do not know any trans shops and so I will probably make an appointment at the Subaru dealer to get it checked.:(

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I checked the gear oil again and it was normal. What I did was replace thise short hoses with 2 longer ones and then ran the hoses into a plastic bottle that I secured in the engine compartment. The car has been used for a week, mostly short drives and the plastic bottle has no sign of ATF. The only thing I can see is that the front hose that is right next to the front edge of the trans housing has a sign that some ATF may have been in it.


Maybe that vent takes pressure off the front trans seal, anyone know?

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