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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

Anybody want to host my subaru teaser?


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I can host a torrent for it, if you're interested in using BitTorrent to spread the file (that would be the easiest way to get a 700+ meg file scattered). I have a tracker, and I can create the .torrent & seed it.


I can host the file, if needed, but 700+ meg is a lot of data to be hosting. How many downloads do you expect?


Also, what is the data? 700 meg is a full 2 hour movie, when encoded with a good codec. Is this something that could be compressed significantly if needed?



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It is only a few minutes long. So it can be smaller, but what free program, can I use to compress it more.


*scratches head* On Windows? There's some stuff that would work... can't remember what it's called, though.


Could you send it to someone who can do a good job compressing it? *volunteers* Video compression is as much art as science.



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Torrent is totally the way to go for that kinda stuff. With bitcomet (bitcomet.com) you just right click on the file you want to make the torrent of and it makes it and adds it for you. Then you just post the tracker link and away it goes. The more ppl who get it and reseed it the more ppl can get it and reseed it. :)



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