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ej22 head interchange/ ej25 to ej22 swap.

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I've got a '98 Legacy OB 5MT (EJ 25) and am planning on swapping in an EJ22 for reliability. I gather that the '95 legacy ej22 is the best bet for easy bolt up...due to having dual port heads and EGR. Here's my question: would a dual port ej22 block from another year work OK assuming you changed the heads to the '95 version? In particular, I'm thinking of the earlier '91-'94 dual port engines.

Part two: the only reason to prefer the '95 over the '91-'94s is that the '95 has an EGR port, right? Has anyone simply defeated the EGR system and found a workaround so it doesn't trip the CEL?




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  • 2 years later...

One thing to think about. 95 automatics have the EGR, which you need if you want everything to talk to the 2.5 computer. 95 manuals do not have EGR. All 95's were dual port so you shouldn't have any trouble with the exhaust. 96 is when they swapped to single port. 90-94 blocks will work just fine if you have the 95 EGR heads.



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