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Ignitor to Ignition coil/ignitor

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I was surfing the "ravensblade" site looking at some Sub technical .pdf files and one about the ignition system says that the ignitor is mounted to the firewall in early direct ignition systems and later integrated into the coil assembly on "more recent Subarus". Can anyone tell me where the ignitor is on my '97 2.2 Impreza? How much do they cost?



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the ignitor is mounted to the firewall


You answered your own question. It will have a plug that looks like the MAF plug, but with a few extra wires i believe, it will be located about 6 inches or less from where the hood hits the back, and should be rather close to the vehicle center line.


at least thats how it is on my 96 IIRC

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I was surfing the "ravensblade" site looking at some Sub technical .pdf files and one about the ignition system says that the ignitor is mounted to the firewall in early direct ignition systems and later integrated into the coil assembly on "more recent Subarus". Can anyone tell me where the ignitor is on my '97 2.2 Impreza? How much do they cost?




like i said in the other post which you had running on this subject, if you would give me your email address, i would enail you a picture from a manual on what the part looks like so you can identify it on the firewall.



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