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O2 sensor "cheat" ??

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I thought the tip was to not use E85?


On the WRX they use a resistor to trick the ECU into thinking the rear 02 sensor is working. I want to say its an 8K ohm resistor but check on Nasioc, I-Club, etc to be sure. Simple as hitting radio shack, spending 1-2 dollars and getting 8-10 of these and bending the prongs of one into the plug in for the 02 sensor.

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I cut the E85 with 2g of E10 89octane when i need more power

downshifting because of the wind BLOWS


now I am thinking either a potentiometer or rheostat so I can get it set where needed, measure the resistance, then install the proper resistor


I'll quit trying when either A: the engine blows up B: I get it set right C: regular gas is really cheap

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The engine in your car is designed to run at 14.7:1 AFR, E85 has a stoic number of 6:1. As an ASE certified mechanic, and as an Engineer who's had classes on this very subject, i can say with some certainty that it would be in your best intrest to not be running E85 in your car.


Find a friend that owns a vehicle that is capable of running E85, drain your tank in to his or hers and fill up with regular 87, in the long run it will be cheaper than buying a new engine, really.




Here is a list of vehicles that can run it, i'm sure at least one of your friends owns a car on that list, You'll notice that Subaru is not listed, and as they caution:

Vehicle listing is below. Unfortunately, if your vehicle is not listed, your vehicle is NOT E85 compatible.

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