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high-pitched sound from rear on decel

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Like title says. Car in sig, FT4WD, discs. New sound, seems to be more frequent.

I didn't find anything like this with Search yet.


Brake pressure makes no difference.

In gear, neutral, clutch makes no difference.

"random" coming and going, but I've narrowed it down to only on deceleration.

Like a scraping, screechy thing. Knife on sheet metal maybe. Doesn't sound "regular", not very cyclic.


Diff oil is good, u-joints probably need replaced, same with bushings, axles/bearings are unknown history (not touched in my 45000 miles, but front needed done a while ago).

I haven't shaken or pulled on anything yet.


Rear wheel bearings maybe?

Anything to check besides pulling for play?

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whatever it is, it's probably caused by the weight shift of decel....does it do it when your coasting?


could be wheel bearing, I'd check for play in the wheels first. could also just be something hangine down that drags (either on the road, or more likely, on an axle/driveshaft) when the front end settles slightly. I bashed my exhaust a little, and it would rub on the driveshaft when engine braking....made a horrible sound

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My vote is for the U-joints. A driveline shop (4x4 trucks) can do it for you. They are welded in and need to be balanced properly. If they do it right, they will knock off the factory balancing wieghts. I had it done years ago and NAPA U joint #812 sticks in my head.

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Yes on the coasting. I guess that's what I meant by decel. If any throttle is applied the sound goes away.


...My exhaust has been moved around a lot lately...


*EDIT* I don't see any sig. The car is an '88 RX coupe.


yea, sigs have been disabled, number of threads in the site help forum about that :rolleyes:


anyway, I figured you meant it did it coasting too, but I wasn't sure


look at your driveshaft and look for rub marks...

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