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exaust to engine.. ea82

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i have just put a new enginge in my car. and just did my fist 4x4 test mission on it. engine went great... but i have ****ed one of threads inside the engine that hold s the exaust pipe in place.. so now my car is making this ungodly noise..

grrrr this is exactly the same trouble i had with the last engine..

is this a popular problem....??? :banghead:

and what can i do to fix it?



rethead the hole with larger size?

put some sort of insert in?


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Happens more often than not, to all of us. Not a good idea to use fine threaded bolts/studs in aluminum. But that's just my opinion. Few different ways to do a repair...


Re-tap to next size up in bolt size,


Buy a Heli-coil kit, drill out the hole(s), use heli-coil tap, insert heli-coil, then install new stud(s),


Have muffler shop cut off the flanges and re-weld them to use the other holes in the head,


I repaired the ones on my '82, by running a 7/16"-14 tap into the holes, goes right in, no pre-drilling. I used a starter tap first, (has the pointed tip), then followed with a bottoming tap, (has flat tip). Then installed my own studs. I realize that you're in another country and all, but those are American standard bolt thread size.


I'm going to have to do the ones on the '86 also.


How ever you chose to do the repair, be sure to use Anti-Sieze compound on the studs. Will make life easier next time you have to remove the exhaust......

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