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My Impreza got new feet today!

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Im getting new feet today from grossgary. WRX 10 spoke 16's. I have the same color OBS. mine is a 2000.


That is a creative snorkle you made there. I like it... question though since the intake mouth seems to follow the contour up your windshield does it still suck in water that moves up the glass from either the initial bow wave or from regular air flow in the rain? I do see a possible advantage with a ram aitr affect.

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The tire that i had put on the brand new Rim had a VERY SMALL sidewall puncture... so when i woke up this morning i had a completely flat tire... BOOOO!!!!

so i went and ordered a new tire... should be in on wednesday... grr!!

(yes, all the tires are pretty much brand new, so they're all the same circumfrence)


Back to my hard-core steelies for now! :rolleyes:

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my car is lifted 1.5" inches in the front and back.. you just cant' tell until i throw on the alloys.. i don't relaly know why... w/ the alloys on i get about 0.5" more clearance... but with the flat i get about -1" of clearance in the front :banghead:

The reason you can't tell it's lifted in the back is because there's so much crap in the box, and trunk :slobber:

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