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Where are the lifting points for removing 2.5l engine. I don't see the eyes that are mentioned in the manual. Do I have to bolt on my own chain attachments or wrap the engine somehow to lift?




Which 2.5? DOHC, SOCH? I just pulled a DOHC today ('98 Leg OBW) and there was only a single lifting eye (passenger's side as part of a combined bracket which has the three electrical connectors on it. I hooked on to rear eye & the AC compressor bracket on the driver's side front and that worked fine. As for the SOCH 2.5, that might be different. You could probably also thread chain or rope under the intake manifold if you leave it on the engine when you pull it. Good luck!



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I just pulled the 2.5 from my outback the other night. I used the aforementioned lifting eye on the flywheel end of the engine where the 3 wiring connectors are, and as for the front of the engine---if you try and remove the A/C compressor from its bracket, you will be faced with the 2 lower bolts that are horizontal and perpindicular to the engine, and you are going to have a hard time getting a socket on the 14mm (across the flats) bolts due to the top of the engine/cylinder head on the drivers side. So I just removed the bolts that hold the A/C bracket to the engine, and when you lift this up, there will be a threaded hole in the top of the engine that nothing was connected to, but you can use one of the 14mm bolts from the bracket and a couple of heavy washers to secure the chain at that spot.


Oh, and the last thing I removed before attempting to lift the engine was the fuel lines. Then once it started to lift out, I flipped the A/C compressor over upside down and placed it where the battery/washer fluid area is. Once I got the engine out, I put a piece of board across the bottom of the engine bay and then flipped the compressor back over and layed it on that. The kink in the hoses was pretty brutal over in the battery area!


Here you go, note "shiney" washer on bolt atop front of engine. I removed the engine with the intake manifold still installed, and shot this photo after removal.


<img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/Huffmeister/IMG_0659.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

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I used the rear loop by the O2 sensor and main engine harnesses for the rear lift on my 2.2L just yesterday. Then the front loop where the previously mentioned AC bracket goes - take only the compressor off, not the entire bracket.



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Are you serious? I would go for that method but did it inflict alot of pain? What about getting it back in?

I'm trying to find an engine hoist but if I could get it out without one I would go for it.


jack it up from under neath pull it forward


get in the car and muscle it out.


10 min tops

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