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Help...alternator problem..?

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I have a 95 Legacy L...(no gauge)...wife had car and died....jumped it and it ran about 1 minute and died again....no lights (batt dead)---at time of jump starting,, it was then that she noticed the Batt llight on but also the "brake" light was on


Batt is not too old and 850 CCA


was towed home....I am assuming the alternator is bad...I think it may be overcharging

charged battery ...didn't seem to take a good charge

Started car and let it idle for an hour....both lights still on


I put volt meter across batt terminals before starting car and was 13.4 V

Started car and was 12.75V

Just about same voltage when touching terminal on alt and ground(not sure that tells anything)

After car was running an hour...Voltage was about 12.1


Anyone help ??..thanks in advance


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Before assuming that it is the alternator,, make sure that the terminals to the battery are clean and tight. Ive noticed that stock terminals can split on the upper band. If you do pull your alternator bring it to the store and have it tested (don't for get to buy a new belt while your there). If the altty test ok then get that battery you dissmissed :argue:

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This may be easier said than done, but before buying a new alternator, take the old one out and have it tested, or check wiring continuity between alternator and battery. I've had a broken wire between the alternator and battery before.....and discovered after I bought and installed a new alternator (non-refundable)!


Hope this helps.

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going to get it tested today


I would call the dealer about the possible recall...but it has no subaru markings on it...I assume it is a rebuilt


could get a rebuilt from a local shop for 130 + tax---but local junkyard has one from wreck for 60


thanks for the input so far

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I am a firm believer in OEM parts. But.........When you can get a quality remand alt with a lifetime warranty from Napa for another $30............I don't recomened buying an alternator with only a 12/12,000 warranty. Which is what you get with OEM parts, JMHO!


Just to clarify. You can get a liftime alt from most any parts store. I highly recomend Napa for a quality remand unit.

No I'm in no way affiliated with Napa. Have just had the best luck with their alternators.

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