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the fuel pressure regulator keeps fuel pressure from being to high,if the injectors are weak and the regulator is bad i guess the extra pressure could possibly flood the engine,other car brands that i have worked on with the vaccum hose off only raised the pressure 3-5 lbs so i really dought that this is the problem.

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Thanks everyone, but.........we've cleaned the injectors, fuel filter, air filter,

new plugs and wires, just replaced the starter, neutral safety switch and coolant temp sensor. The dealership replaced the air control valve and ignition coil pack........all that in four months and the car still does the same thing. The throttle body has also been cleaned. The symtoms started right

before we replaced the second stage catalytic convertor. You warm the

car up, drive for awhile, come to a stop, the tach drops below 0 and the car

dies. Turn the key and it fires right up. Won't do it again until after a long

high speed run. Any ideas would be appreciated. By the way, the code reads


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Thanks everyone, but.........we've cleaned the injectors, fuel filter, air filter,

new plugs and wires, just replaced the starter, neutral safety switch and coolant temp sensor. The dealership replaced the air control valve and ignition coil pack........all that in four months and the car still does the same thing. The throttle body has also been cleaned. The symtoms started right

before we replaced the second stage catalytic convertor. You warm the

car up, drive for awhile, come to a stop, the tach drops below 0 and the car

dies. Turn the key and it fires right up. Won't do it again until after a long

high speed run. Any ideas would be appreciated. By the way, the code reads



P1507 is an idle control system malfuntion (fail safe )

Might want to check out the IAC



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