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95 legacy, AWD, AUTO.


location: between the passenger side strut tower and airbox.


i've been troubleshooting a few random problems and was looking over the engine today with a finetoothed comb. i saw this little sensor, with unbolted and just flopping around, next to it an unconnected vacuum line. so, like any normal person i connected it up.


it is part four in the diagram. any ideas what kind of problems having this disconencted would cause? i'm getting very poor mileage and having an extemely intermittant stalling problem. i know i have a bad o2 sensor, but i would assume this could have some influence as well. enlighten me, i'm an oldschool bmw nerd, knock sensors and all of this stuff are new to me.



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The pressure sensor tells the ECU what the barometric pressure is so it can adjust the a/f mixture at lower/higher altitudes. The diagram shows it piped up to the intake manifold and canister purge solenoid. It's possible with that disconnected and having a slight vacuum leak is what could be causing your issues.


I'd double check all the vacuum lines, reset the ECU, and see how she runs.

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