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Another clarification on 2.5 to 2.2 swap regarding exhaust.

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Just bought a used motor - '95 2.2 from an Impreza (automatic) to put in my '98 OBW that has the 2.5. The 2.2 I bought didn't have the exhaust manifolds included, so I'm wondering if the 2.5 exhaust manifolds will bolt to the 2.2 heads. Or am I going to have to find a set of '95 2.2 exhaust manifolds?


Thanks for any info,

Steve H.

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Just bought a used motor - '95 2.2 from an Impreza (automatic) to put in my '98 OBW that has the 2.5. The 2.2 I bought didn't have the exhaust manifolds included, so I'm wondering if the 2.5 exhaust manifolds will bolt to the 2.2 heads. Or am I going to have to find a set of '95 2.2 exhaust manifolds?


Thanks for any info,

Steve H.


Steve- I'm in the middle of doing the exact same swap myself, so this is the voice of "research" (mostly gleaned from this message board) rather than the voice of experience (at least at this point!) The '95 2.2 two port motor should bolt up OK to the 2.5 manifolds. If you're concerned, why not take the old manifold gasket from the 2.5 and check that it matches up to your new 2.2? (Or order some new 2.5 manifold gaskets if you have not yet pulled the 2.5.) Best of luck...


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Yeah! - that's one less concern now. The '95 2.2 is dual port. I had planned to pull the other motor and trans by now, but I've been busy working on my MIL's Camry. I haven't been able to assess what parts the 2.2 needs yet, but hopefully next week I'll get to it.


One other question... I'm swapping both the engine and trans, so I'm assuming that I'd pull the old parts out together. Not sure if there is an easier way to do both.


Thanks again for the great information,

Steve H.

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pull the engine and trans together at the same time. leave them bolted together and they'll come out.


make sure the diff ratio of the trans you're installing matches the ratio of the rear differential. if they don't you'll have immediate issues.

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So just to clarify, 2.5 downpipes match those from a 2.2 engine? i.e. I could replace mine and the converter with used ones from a 2.5 and have it fit? Just how much of the 2.5 exaust system fits the GC?


Because finding used 2.2 legacy parts here is rarer than hen's teeth, but 2.5 parts are a lot more common.

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just make sure the EJ22 youre putting in is dual port(2 ports for each head) and you'll be fine. many parts swap between the EJ22 and EJ25, mainly for business reasons, dont have to make tons of different parts. as far as the exhaust on a GC impreza, i think the headers will fit, and thats about it, the rest of the exhaust is shorter than a legacy or a GL/Loyale.




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Sorry, I said GC, meant legacy (1992 in my case).




just make sure the EJ22 youre putting in is dual port(2 ports for each head) and you'll be fine. many parts swap between the EJ22 and EJ25, mainly for business reasons, dont have to make tons of different parts. as far as the exhaust on a GC impreza, i think the headers will fit, and thats about it, the rest of the exhaust is shorter than a legacy or a GL/Loyale.




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