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What the heck is all that stuff attached to the air intake tube? I have never seen anything like it. I changed my plugs and I took it all off and was amazed at it all. Does it help or hurt if you remove all of it and just suck air thru the side of the box?

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Could you be more specific about what you are reffering to?


Anything before the air filter can be removed without confusing the electronics, but bear in mind that a lot of thought went into this design. It's only a question of priorities. Noise, emissions, low rev torque and all the rest of it are balanced well in a stock system.


Most intake systems aren't very restrictive, and are often rooted to the high air pressure region in front of the radiator, where cool air is available. Rerouting the intake and sucking hot air from within the engine bay will not improve things.

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the "Smorkle-ectomy as so many here 'lovingly' refer to it as....


their is a three piece set of plastic intake stuff that is mounted to the outside of the framereail area under the plastic fender skirt, this probably is what your refering too, right?


I cut the snout off of this intake "Silencer" as its called in the FSM and owners manual. And then stuck this piece i cut (about 3 inches long) backinto the metal intake box thru the frmae and that way the cooler air comes in thru the from underbumpber hole and the plastic fender skirt keeps tire stuff from getting into the intake.


I still like the idea of a alum, pvc, ect. intake tube that comes out thru that hole and down to the frnt and has the filter down there. My single concern is the easy access to getting water flooding into it from such a low level with how i drive sometimes in the rain ect.

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  • 2 years later...

i laugh at people who put cold air intake systems in the cars. I mean, thats what they have now. They take air from outside the engine compartment. Ive seen cold air systems that actually suck in warm air from the engine compartment. Unless the air intake goes through the AC system ...... (oops may have gave somone an idea)



i have a bridge to sell too




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