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Listen to this exhaust.

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Just as an FYI, welding aint that hard. What's hard is being GOOD at it. But with exhaust, just keep welding and welding until its sealed. Its a good place to learn how to weld. I don't personally own a welder, but I noticed HF is selling MIGs for $120.00. Anyone ever used a HF cheapie welder?


Hmmmmm..... might have to try one out..... after I rewire a 30 amp circuit to the garage.....





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Just as an FYI, welding aint that hard. What's hard is being GOOD at it. But with exhaust, just keep welding and welding until its sealed. Its a good place to learn how to weld. I don't personally own a welder, but I noticed HF is selling MIGs for $120.00. Anyone ever used a HF cheapie welder?


Hmmmmm..... might have to try one out..... after I rewire a 30 amp circuit to the garage.....






Actually - I have a HF MIG box - works quite well for the light duty stuff. I wanted a small MIG that would be 110, and could use flux-cored to be as portable as possible. Doesn't need any special circuit - runs off any outlet like a vacuum cleaner. Perfect for exhaust work - tack welding while test fitting things. Just nice to have as an extra setup. I noticed that I can literally weld with it in a T-shirt as it makes very little splatter. Pretty neat. Not much use for anything over 1/8" tho. I have a miller 220 with gas for that - or the blue wrench.



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