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where to get EA82 weber adapter?

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I've finally decided that I'm going to weberize Roxanne with a brand new one from Redline. The problem is, they only sell an adapter for the EA81 engine. Can I just modify this adapter to fit the wider-spaced studs on my EA82, or should I look for the right adapter? If I have to get a different adapter, where should I get it from?


Also, is there anything besides the carb itself that you have to order? Jets? Linkage? Fuel pressure regulator?

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The link is to the complete carb kit I have for my EA-82 engine. Has a 2-piece adapter for the manifold. Carbs is supposedly jetted correctly for these engines. Mine is running good now, just as it came out of the box.


A few notes on the kit;


The flat-head screws for mounting the lower plate to manifold are to long, unless you use the black plastic spacer that's under the Hatachi carb.


I found that the spacers themselves, don't quite fit the opening in manifold, and vice-versa. I did a little hand machining on everything, using a rotory file, and a flat file, to blend everything smooth. Even trimmed the gaskets to fit the spacers better.


The studs for mounting carb to adapters are to long also. They will work on the rear 2 holes, but would be a real pain to use on the front 2 holes, recommend using shorter bolts here.


They send you the tall filter, approx., 2-1/2" high, may cause hood clearance issues. Short filter is 1-1/2" high.


You may/may not, need a fuel pressure regulator. I did.


http://homepage.powerup.com.au/~camncath/retrofitting_the_weber_dgav_32.htm Good info on a Weber install, with guide to re-jetting if you deem that nessacary.


Take your time installing the carb. Double check that you have everything hooked up, and un-used vacuum ports blocked off. Then go out and enjoy it...........

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I've also heard that the EA82 uses the same style of carb baseplate (I.e, same size) as the older Datsuns, so if they don't show an EA82 adaptor, one from a Datsun should work.


Also, on the air filter issue, I used a tall filter with my weber with no problems, but that was on an EA81.


I suppose I could drag my EA82 manifold to my Datsun buddy's house and test-fit one of his carbs...

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