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I was driving my Aunts '01 OBW with 105k and 4EAT. I know that I drive A LOT diff. from she BUT. When I go WOT on the car it shift down for a second then up angain BOGS then SHIFT down and goes?? Is this a fluid issue looks like the right level and color. Or does the computer need to learn how I want to beat on it??

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Sounds more like the ECU controlling it than mechanical/fluid issues.


You could try resetting the ECU and try again, or stop beating Auntie's car!



Seriously, I have never be "happy" with the shift points or the delay of downshift in our MY01. I feel like I have to slam my foot to the floor and pray the 4EAT downshifts so that tractor trailer doesn't run me over while I merge into traffic

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