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Stubborn oil pan gaskets!!

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I've used the wire brush/drill method many times, Fords and Chevys (mostly during the 70's:burnout: ). Just find a way to secure the pan so both hands are free while working. Please be careful if scraping, I've seen some weird things happen when the "scraping tool" slips...and it will.


My 2 bucks

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I wire wheel mine...no problems...unless your wire wheel spins hella fast and acts more like a saw blade.


Oh yeah, Brad, I remember that time when you were removing the gasket off of your wagon's oil pan...I thought you liked the wires shooting off into your bare leg?:drunk:



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What they said plus time.

I messed with mine for a while then I took it to the machine shop. Had them clean the pan when they were doing heads and cleaning other stuff, so it was basically free. I didn't even want to begin trying to clean the inside...

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all you people and your crude mechanical methods... go down to kragens and buy a 5 gallon bucket of berryman's carb cleaner parts dip.. let the oil pan sit in it overnight, in the morning remove and ask yourself, where did the gasket go? Where did the PAINT go? TA DA!!! (please wear gloves with this product, and thoroghly rinse after dip) If you dont wanna buy one of those, then If I recall brushing on the good ol jasco paint remover gel stuff will eat that gasket right off of there too...



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