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new addition to the family

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here is my new subaru family addition, its 84' wgn 4x4, 4spd D/R, got 225,000 miles on it picked it up for $100 running and driving. since i got it 3 weeks ago i've had to put 2 front hubs, a brake caliper bracket, 2 front axles, thermo sensor and the tune up parts. i found a whole grille and front bumper and 2 front fenders that are on it in the picture and i put on the biggest 13" traction tires i could get my hands on, too. so afr i have put another $430 in to it. still needs sunroof seals and latch in terior is a little rough but it did run pretty good.


this is going to be my daily driver with a few local mudhole tours invovled when found. as you can see now by the pictures its been testing the local mudholes out already.



here is a link to my photo gallery if you want to see bigger pics


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pretty nice score for $100 - especially in running/driving condition.


Got to expect to put a few bucks into these old cars when picked up cheap as they usually have things that have been neglected. does your total so far include the tires?? Had to put nearly $1000 into my ol wagon when i got it (clutch, axles, battery, alt, tires, basic tuneup and a few other odds and ends)

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no, the tires that came on it we're good but two of them we're on some 13" alloy wheels and the other two we're on the white spoke wagon wheel which i like better. so now as you can see all four are the white spoke wheels, these wheels and tires i had laying around from my 86' wagon that i lifted and put 15" wheels and tires on.

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