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I am having an intermittant problem with my car not starting. It happened yesterday for the first itme in several months. Unfortunately I had it towed so that the shop could see what it was doing, and of course, it started right up at the shop. I'm afraid it will happen at night or in a distant place. Anyone lknow where to start? It tries to crank but doesn't catch. My battery is good. It's a turbo. I read the post of the 95 legacy and this is similar. I have replaced the temp sensor and the check engine light does not come on. Thanks!!!

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You need to open the window or open the door the next time the car does it. If you hear a clicking noise and it's not starting, then there's a 99% chance your problem is the starter solenoid contacts.


I would say the job is cake, but it's relatively simple.


here's my saga....


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Your problem is not uncommon. The problem occurs when the motor does not start instantly. The ECU detects it has not started and continues to supply a rich mixture which in a very short time results in a flodded engine.

This seems to fit your circumstances.

Therefore the solution is to "clean up your engine"

How old are the spark plugs and gaps

Clean the HT leads with kerosene.


You can crank it out with your foot flat to the floor but it takes a long time and you need to hold it on through the misfires


If you suspect a fuel problem the first thing to check is the wirr of the pump when you turn the key.

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