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losing coolent

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'87 gl wagon


I am loosing coolant, but I can't figure out where.


I can see coolant on the back side of the carb. but I can figure out where it is

coming from.


It only seem to happen after I am have driven around for a little while. After a good drive I can see coolant steaming off the car, mostly around the carb.



If any one has an idea I really want to get this fixed.



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I looked under my hood and I could not see this pipe.


Is it plastic or metal?


Dose any one know where is connects to and where is goes?


Or maybe what it is called so I can look it up?


Thanks for the help!





Don`t panic, I had the same thing happen to me last year. There is a small 90 deg. hose there. Getting to it isn`t as bad as getting to the hidden one in the top front under the A/C compressor...
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The one you're looking for is a 1/4" inside diameter rubber hose, well hidden behind/under the carb. The TBI cars have one in front as well, not sure if the carbureted model does, but I think so. My local dealer doesn't stock the molded curve hoses, they are easily replaced with fuel hose and small hose clamps from any parts house.

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Thank you!


I looked in there again and it looks like a small rubber hose from the heater core line (the larger metal one) going to the front of the carb. It looks like the rubber hose has some small leaks in it.


I will try and get it fixed and post the results.




The one you're looking for is a 1/4" inside diameter rubber hose, well hidden behind/under the carb. The TBI cars have one in front as well, not sure if the carbureted model does, but I think so. My local dealer doesn't stock the molded curve hoses, they are easily replaced with fuel hose and small hose clamps from any parts house.
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  • 1 month later...

Well I finally got the line replaced that went from the front base of the carb back to the heater core lines.


Wow that took me way to long.



Some tips I could give would be to get a large pair of needle nose pliers, a good friend of mine had some and that was the best tool to get the new lines on.



I am so happy to have my soob back on the road and not leaking green every where I go.



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