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Replacing Spark Plugs and Wires on 2000 OBW

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I'm getting ready to replace the plugs and wires on my 2000 OBW. Is there a "step-by-step" guide somewhere I can download for this? Anyone else done this? What do I need to be aware of when installing these? Would the service manual help me any here?


Thanks for the help.

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Searching around this site is likely to yield a lot of good information.


I STRONGLY recommend that you remove the air intake piping on the left side and the battery from the right side. With these two items out of the way, plug access is much better. Loosening the screen wash tank is also helpful.


DON'T tighten the plugs too much. Once the washer contacts the head, it only needs a quarter to half a rotation. Stop when there is resistance to motion, you don't need to exert any considerable force to seat them well.

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While driving this car at lunch...I'm going up hill..I accelarate to pass a car and I notice I don't have the power I used to have. I get some "belching" from the engine..some "missing"..before I can get enough speed tp pass. I also see that the CEL has came on and is "flashing".


Is this serious? I ordered new oem wires, plugs and an o2sensor. What else do I need to look at? Does Advanced Auto still pull the codes from this car for free?



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yes advance or others will pull the codes for free. being ignition related wouldn't surprise me and a tune up like you're doing is a good start.


very straight forward and easy job. be sure you're getting NGK plugs and they are properly gapped for your car before you install. if they are from the dealer they will be NGK's, but you can get the same NGK plugs at any autoparts store as well. use OEM wires only (which you are).


take care in seating the wires on the spark plugs, make sure they are fully seated, feel for the "click" when they seat, that's the definitive sound/feel that makes you sleep better.


use anti-seize on the spark plug threads (available at any auto parts store) and there's also a grease for using on the spark plug wires so they aren't ruined next time you have to pull them out (if ever again!)


good luck and have fun,


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