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Is my crank Pulley shot?

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I'm just throwing this out there. I thought my crank pulley was wobbling as well, it just happened to be the way the dirt and crap that was on it had accumulated giving it the appearance that it was wobbling. If this makes any sense. Maybe something to consider.


As far as your question goes, I'll let one of the smarter guys field that.




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It may well be a coincidence, however since I've noted the apparent wobble, my car has been progressively idling with more and more vibration while stopped in drive and with my foot on the brake. This has always been there, but undeniably more pronounced now. Putting the car in neutral, and therefore decreasing the load on the engine, smooths it out nicely. This vibration also seems noticabley increased while climbing hills and whatnot, although an exhaust leak around the trans mount likely affects this as well.


I'm telling you, I'm about THIS close to buying a newer car and giving up on the old soob.:eek: Not that I can really afford it mind you...

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Well, it's been about a week and with the tightening of the belts the squeal is gone. Hopefully not to return.


Here's a thought though. If the pulley is beginning to wobble, for whatever reason, could this be partially responsible for an increase in vibrations through the car, particularily when in drive and stopped with a foot on the brake?

If the pulley is wobbling significantly, it could cause noticeable vibrations, and that should be investigated further.


However, increased load on the engine can cause roughness as well, and could be related to tightening drive belts. For example, stepping on the brake naturally turns on the rear brake lights, which the alternator/battery should be supplying current for; if the alternator belt was previously slipping, it wouldn't load the engine as much as when the belt is properly tightened and the alternator working up to demand. The battery is supposed to "fill in" for the alternator at low engine RPM, so if it isn't up to the job, even that can cause the alternator to have more demand at idle than usual; checking the battery terminal connections for corrosion is a starting point.


Obviously, lots of other things can cause vibration from rough idle, etc.

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The battery is nearly brand-new and high amperage, and I cleaned the terminals thoroughly when I installed it.


The other day I poked around the engine and trans mounts, prying with a crowbar. There was some give, but not extensive. My leaking exhaust may contribute. I'm beginning to think my worn front struts may even contribute. Perhaps a combination of exhaust leak, worn front struts, and wobbling pulley may all be increasing vibrations. When accelerating, especially on a hll, the whole car vibrates, coming from the front somewhere but shakes the gas pedal, steering wheel, under my seat, even the doors. It's getting worse too.:confused:

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