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Turbo XT


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OK people!! PARTY TIME!


I went round to see the car with my newly cut key this morning and she fired right up for me, shes been sitting for 3 years and started after about 4 seconds of cranking.


I Am stunned......lets see my honda do that :grin:


Ok so i took the beastout for a little spin and i noticed some serious stuttering on acceleration and vast clouds of black smoke when i put my foot down. all the crap seems to clear after a couple seconds then it accelerates fine. But the next time i accelerate i get the same problem.


Now i could spend all day lookin at the engine workin out whats wrong but im lazy and its much easier to ask you guys! So bearing in mind theres 3 year old petrol in the tank (which i will be fixing tomorrow) and i suspect a dodgy turbo, whats going wrong here?


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Empty gas, fresh gas and fuel filter. Add 1/2 pint sea foam to gas tank.


Add 1 pint sea foam to oil. Run for 30 minutes. New oil, filter, and sea foam to new oil.


Change air filter. See if that helps clear things up.

i agree sounds like the good start
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Hey people, i just got back from a little drive in the beastie, well i got towed back cos it cut out as i was pulling out from an intersection.


Got it in the garage - checked the plugs and they were filthy. Cleaned them off - engine runs again.


What i wanna know is; how come they fouled up? did i give it too much gas at a low rpm or were they just crappy from sitting too long?


Anyone else had this problem? i really want to avoid it happening again :-\


Finally my alternator is stiff and the belt slips for a few seconds after starting, anyone got a good tip for freeing this other than buying a new one...



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YAY, New plugs and its running fine.


I even got the original 1986 Users Manual for it!! And the original sales documents.


Anyways its getting moved round to my workshop tomorrow and im hoping to have it back on the road in under a month. :D



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Right, All the coolant is staying where it should be. The oil level appears to be well above the full mark which is worrying :-\ and new plugs and leads are fitted :headbang: .


Im towing it home tonight now that myself and waimaks are the registered owners and its booked in for a Warrant of fitness (M.O.T if your a brit). All things considered id say its gonna be back on the road in a month for a total cost (car included) of $600 NZD!!


Ill post a few choice pics tomorrow if the sun shines. Finally its great to see i can get help so easily on here, so heres another question;


Im getting an idle speed of about 600-650rpm. It will idle fine but the book says 800 and thats not what im seeing.



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OK weve got it runing nicely and its sort of becoming reliable again. The injector cleaner is doing its thang and the stereo works again!


Heres the long awaited pics, hope ya like them - if you dont....Tough:grin:





Thats all Waimaks' Brat. Ill start another reply to keep things nice and tidy.

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And Heres the beasty XT TURBO!! woot:headbang:


Waimaks on the left and me on right! - dont laugh.....one day youll have a son that looks that rugged






And we got the whole car for $300NZD or about $200 USD and weve put in so far about 40 bucks for some injector cleaner and change of ownership papers.

p.s dont drool on yer keyboard - its bad for it.



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