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Vortex XT window washers.....

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Ok mike weve got the pipe coming from the water tank under the right wheel arch then it stops - and so far we cant see any sign of a sprayer like thing. so are they actually attached to the hood or the plastic bit at the bottom of the windshield?



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the hose goes from the tank to the windscreen sprayers

the sprayers may be installed on top of the bonnet or on the plastic tray, or both! :banana:


OK so im guessing they are supposed to be pretty obvious.....knowing the XT we expected them to appear from some hidden compartment when you push the button.


But as for them being obvious....i cant find them so i think ill assume this car has none. The troubling thing is i cant even see where they Should be.


Am i blind, stupid or did the previous owner throw them away? :-\



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GOD DAMMIT!!! :banghead: I cant find them so i need to fit new ones for my warrant of fitness inspection on wednesday.


Anybody got any easy ideas?


right now ive just got water squirting from one of the drain holes and it sort of splashes the window but i dont think thats good enough.



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You could always run some tubing up to right below the windshield, put some plastic caps on 'em, and poke a hole. Not as good as the stock, but would work well. Or go to a junkyard, and find another subaru, or some other car with similar windshield washers.


You can easily rig something.

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you need these to pass inspection?


i'm with the above comment, get something to work to pass even if it looks terrible. then get the right thing from the junk yard. they are obvious and easy to see from the drivers seat or standing next to the car without doing anything or pushing any buttons !! (good thought though, you never know on these nut case cars!)


if you have trouble getting the exact thing i can probably pull one off my parts XT6 and send it to you, hoses and all. if the squirters are attached to the long plastic trim then i won't be able to ship that though, too long. don't know how they are attached, never removed one. i've already sent parts to two people in NZ....one day i'll send myself over there.

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Well, I don't know whether the garage we decided on taking it too will actually check, but its on the WOF (warrent of fitness) checksheet..

Whats got us really stumped though is that there doesn't even appear to be mounting bits for the squirters...

The only other thing we aren't sure about is a touch of rust on the bottom side of the drivers door, although it isn't structural so heres hoping......

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Wow, your inspections are pretty rigorous aren't they...Colorado is very lenient on inspections. They just check for pollution problems these days. They take your car, run it on a dyno with a cup over your tail pop to catch the exhaust, and make sure all the levels are with in acceptable values. They'll even pass cars with structural rust and crap.


You guys must not have many junk cars being driven around.

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Wow, your inspections are pretty rigorous aren't they...Colorado is very lenient on inspections. They just check for pollution problems these days. They take your car, run it on a dyno with a cup over your tail pop to catch the exhaust, and make sure all the levels are with in acceptable values. They'll even pass cars with structural rust and crap.


You guys must not have many junk cars being driven around.


lol Believe me theres plenty of Jap Crap Junk driving around here, we get all the rejected cars from the orient. Our problem is they are rather unfair on who they pass and who fails - as just about anyone can do a W.O.F check, if you fail you find someone dodgy who WILL pass you.

Anyways ive rigged up a system that should get me a pass and the rusty door is within limits.



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Doesn't sound any more stringent than Mass. inspections...sometimes they'll let surface rust through, sometimes not. It depends on the inspector.


Aren't Japanese inspections for the main purpose of keeping the auto companies in business? :lol:


Having been to both Japan and NZ, there are no junk cars in NZ, no old cars in Japan and nothing that runs is underutilised in Australia ;)


I just wonder why anyone would want to take the washer nozzles off.

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Well the previous owner found no use for the turbo heat shield and took that off - the screen washers mightve seemed unimportant too.


I know i can get the car through its inspection by rigging up something temporary but those rear shocks have got to be sorted.



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