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Big Buncha Pics from My Saturday Fun ***Action photo added post # 23***)


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I got invited to go up to the mountains with some buddys, West of North Bend. These are the same group I took to the cabin last time. It was their plan to camp, I just wanted to play for the day. They told me ahead of time there wouldn't be much hard core wheeling, just a lot of dirt roads. And yes there was. Forest roads, musta been 20 miles in 20 miles out. I did the right thing choosing to bring the OBS with the Kumhos on.


I took the lead and played "Tortoise and the Hair" with them, flying off ht high speeds and stopping to wait. I'm getting pretty comfortable in the imps, and if not for blind corners casing me to be cautious of oncoming logging trucks, I think I found the best Rally Road I've ever been on. I spent many thoughts on how it woulda made agreat stage in the WRC.

Eventually it lead to a Vally which produced a camp ground suitable.


(you'll notice the jeep to the right, he's the one in the cabin photos getting pulled out. He got better tires) :clap:


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So there was a mudhole in this campground, (according to my buddy who'd been there before) but it was frozen over. So I decided to make a trail thru it with my imp. And ya know I only did it cuz Ausytin's been getting crazy in his and all I've had to show were poser photos of mine. :rolleyes:


Turns out, the ice was almost 3 inches thick. I didn't make it out the other side, but made it back out of the side I came in. These imps make better 4X's than I'd given them credit. The power to get those big tires spinning is pretty cool.

It took several tries, both to get to the other side and to get back out. Forward and backward till the car stopped moving each time. No clutch stink!!




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That's my hand, I can palm a basket ball. Thick ice! (well for around here anyways)





So the Jeep tried it and managed to get his nose onto the other side before he got stuck. The Ford drove around to the other side and pulled him thru.


So we took turns driving thru from the other side. I hammered it pretty hard, so my buddy didn't have time to get the best shots, but you get the idea.




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It was really cold in the shade, guessing about 10 degrees or so.

lol, that's just funny....it was 20 below in the sun here on friday....not to mention the wind off lake superior....mmmmm


nonetheless, it looks sweet!! looks like the trip up to two harbors I took a couple months ago with the North Shore Wheelers....my car was the only one to leave this hole unassisted before the fullsize chevy broke it up a bit more


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is that a new hood/grill/headlights? I thought you had the scoop and vents?


I swapped out the hood for one without the scoop/vents. I couldn't see the point with no intercooler to cool. Everybody wanted to race with the scooped hood. Now they think I have a carbon fiber hood. lol Just happens to be black. (thanks again Corky) My old hood is for this year's rally x car. ;)


Haven't looked for damage. What could get hurt? :brow:




And I heard what you said Clay. I told the same to the guys while I was up on the mountain. It's about time I got some photos of the Soobie off road so they won't think I've abandonded them. (or something like that) In the end, I totally made the right choice. I woulda been wishing for the Soob the whole time as I bounced along in the truck trying not to let my kidneys explode. :lol:


I'm SO going back there. I'll put up a post in to see who or if anybody wants to follow.

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You actually now have the CORRECT hood on the car now anyway (you have a 96 right?) My mom has one too and its scoopless... though it has the indents in the insulation for them. Has a different grille though... yours looks like a 95 ish grille. 96 should be:




(@ = subaru logo)


Hmmmmm rally car..... ive got an idea in my head of what it may be.... but I wont guess and spoil your fun (and I might be wrong anyway :burnout: )

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Zap, i`m sure you`ve wheeled with ea81 subes, would you say the Imp is any better in the mud/ice than a ea81? what are the ea81`s better points, and the Imp`s better points? just out of curiosity.......


i always did want to really offroad a sube, but i always just wheel with mine in stock configuration.

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Zap, i`m sure you`ve wheeled with ea81 subes, would you say the Imp is any better in the mud/ice than a ea81? what are the ea81`s better points, and the Imp`s better points? just out of curiosity.......


i always did want to really offroad a sube, but i always just wheel with mine in stock configuration.


having wheeled a bit with Austin in his Imp, I think the biggest disadvantage is the lack of lo range. but the extra lo rpm torque helps a bunch

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