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94 Legacy intermittent cold no start...baffled

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My wife's '94 Legacy (2.2, 4EAT, AWD) wouldn't start today. Intermittently, in colder weather it will crank at a normal speed, sometimes it will sputter & try to fire, but will inevitably flood. 99% of the time it starts and runs perfectly, hot and cold. Previously, this would happen about once or twice each winter- I would remove the gas soaked plugs, dry 'em and it would start and run fine. I replaced the coolant temp sensor for the ECU a year or two ago, plugs are new (OK, they are Bosch platinums, but the same problem happened with NGKs earlier this year) new air filter, fresh battery and NO driveability problems whatsoever other than the intermittent no start when cold.

I'm baffled. It really seems like it's overfuelling the car, but why? MAF sensor? BTW, the car has 217K on it, but does not consume oil(!) so I don't think it's a low-compression engine wear / oil fouling the plugs issue. Any and all thoughts would be appreciated. (Today, to get it to start I pulled the injector wires off, cranked it for a while to clear the flood, re attached wires, started right up and ran perfectly.)




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I would say to start at the coolant temp. sensor again. I would think if it is the MAF you would have driveability problems, not just start up problems. I'm not positive on how much the MAF affects starting. I have started my car with the MAF disconnected, and it will start, but will stall within 5 seconds or so.The IAC could cause such problems too, you would probably get a CEL if this was bad however.


I would say maybe spend the $30 or so and try the coolant temp. sensor again. Should ask, do you have a CEL on? If you do, start there, you can go to Legacy777 website to find info on how to retieve the codes.


Good Luck



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.Should ask, do you have a CEL on? If you do start there, go to Legacy777 website to find info on how to retieve the codes.


Good Luck




Thanks for your thoughts. Nope, no CELs. Actually, the last time the coolant temp sensor failed, it did set a CEL. Just for kicks, I think I'll check the coolant temp sensor with a multimeter when I have a chance.

I had one other thought- do the fuel pressure regulators ever flake out on Subarus? If fuel pressure was too high, it could cause overfuelling when the car is running "open loop," but perhaps the 02 sensor could compensate for the over rich condition once the car is up to temp. It seems to run too well to really have a problem like this though...



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I don't think fuel pressure reg. are a very common problem with subes. It is a possibility, but, this would probably be a pretty consistent problem. If you have a fuel pressure gauge and a vacuum pump you could test the fuel pressure reg.. A leaking injector could be the problem, but I 'm guessing all four of the spark plugs are soaked in gas, so the chances that all four injectors are leaking is pretty slim.


Start with the coolant temp. sensor, and if that isn't the problem then move on to the fuel system etc.


Good Luck



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