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Borla's are on....again...

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So i went through with it again (4th time), i got the pipes back from CA a while ago, and if finnally went through with throwing them on today, ended up having to buy a titanuim 1/2" drill bit (the stud holes are too small...), ripped right through the stainess plates, mauhahaha, anyhow, after that they snapped right on there, a little silicon, everywhere and away we went. I love the extra power of these things, and they haven't cracked! (Yet...) i'm giving them till the end of the week before the crack again.. :rolleyes: But this time if they do, we're going to weld the piss out of them... maybe add some brackets to re-distribute the stress loads... :clap:

anyhow, just thought i'd brag about my +5hp... lol.. or something like that. :D

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