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Loyale Sedan Roof Rack


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This rack came off a junked loyale wagon. Same angle and roof design as the sedan. If you spot one, drill the rivets out and it fits perfectly on loyale sedans too! I recommend larger aluminum rivets than the same size oem. The steel "owns" the larger aluminum rivet and stays strong and tight, rust free. Add a bit of silicone to top of rivets, wallah! all done.

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It is oem, off the showroom floor on a wagon. The brand name is yakima. Can't find it anywhere, unless on another old wagon factory, or close to the time when you could buy that as an option.Must be a few in junk yards..... so i posted.There are the parallel to the car setups on many more wagons, they will work too, with correct angles on sedan, but the actual rails you see on wagons (may be just two in the middle) are the very rails holding the rack on my setup.Cheap mod for something that has been a hassle for sedans :)

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