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any one esle derby a subaru

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has any one esle derby a subaru, any pics of any subaru derby cars


me and my twin brother both are running loyale derby cars my is a 91 loyale wagon auto and his is a 93 loyale 5-speed wagon and my one friend just got a 91 loyale sedan 5 speed 2wd. man i can not wait till august for the derby!!


1.first we live in PA with yearly inspection

2. both were pulled from a field and not running at that time.

3 and lots of rust and no titles for both


no more complants!! about derbing a sube


and mybe soon i will have pics of all three subarus derby cars

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I would recommend against demolition derbying these cars - while they are extremely safe from the passenger standpoint in collisions, the engine/drivetrain are rather suceptable to front end damage, so it won't work well at all - you'll be immobilized very quickly; given that you said that they are rustbuckets, that only will make the situation worse, both from the running standpoint, and from the safety standpoint - realize that these cars can be worth ~$2k if the rust is fixed properly, and the drivetrain is solid & 4WD


they actually tend to sell for more than a BMW 3-series of the same era and comporable condition - a BMW 5 would probably be a good demolition derby car too ..... and they are REALLY CHEAP (the ones between 1982-1988), but a REAL pain to work on (no OBD for the engine computer ... period!!)


if you are talking about a dirt-track derby, that is a different matter alltogeter - you beat the heck out of anything else there with the 4WD - rally is the most popular sport for these cars

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Old derby tricks from my past (Ford wagon, and Rambler coupe)


1. Fill the tailgate with cement (wagon) ... CHEAT!


2. Fill tires with water (also CHEAT).


3. Two batteries on the floor in PAX well, Use jumper cables (good ones) if the engine quits you can jump the batts in series and send 24 volts to the starter and drive on it 'til it smokes.


4. Cut a hole in the dash and braze a welding rod into the throttle linkage. If your linkage gets knocked off (problem on older cars with mech rather than cable link) you've still got throttle.


5. On old three speed trannies we disconnected the column shift linkage and welded a pickle bar on the shift spindle, since you only need 1st and rev anyhow. Again, saves from a disconnected shift link (nor applicable to your Subaru, but if you ever get old Detroit iron in future bouts).


6. Remove fan (also doesn't count unless its a mechanical pump fan ... they get pushed through the rad.


Have fun! I loved recreational killing of old cars. :lol:

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  85Sub4WD said:
I would recommend against demolition derbying these cars - while they are extremely safe from the passenger standpoint in collisions, the engine/drivetrain are rather suceptable to front end damage


thats why most derby drivers go backwards ;)

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  Subarian said:
Hmm- GL wagon VS Cadillac DeVille? I wonder who's going to take that one?



thats why we have class called compacts! anything 4cly and max wheel base is 100 inches the loyale wagon is 97 wheel base :headbang:


the majority of the other cars that i'll be running against are geo's, escorts, fiestiva, and cavalies and mybe a chevette or two


me and my brother will be one of the few with wagons runing in the compact class mybe a cavlalie wagon or celebity wagon and their are junk cars to run at a demoltion derby


............................my...............................my brother

demo derby subarus 91 loyale auto wagon 93 loyale 5 speed wagon

daily drivers 95 legacy awd 5 speed 91 legacy 2wd auto

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Seen EA82s run the derby many a time at the Sussex Fair back in my NJ days. Not a bad rig by any means. Generally an excellent car for the compact class. I would assume you can only use FWD as most of your competion has no other option. Its all in the driving skill and a Sube gives you a bit of insurance. Never doubt the construction of your car. As mentioned earlier thats why you drive in reverse. In the '99 fair competion the winner was driving an '86 Yugo GLX, the one w/ the cute little turbo. In the end he was the last car running. Doing do-nuts on the field making a fool out the rest of the competion. Nothing left of the rear, but he had 2 drive wheel moving him around and kept up the defence of his front end.


Good Luck in Aug.



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... !!!

:eek: !!! ...Oh my HolyCowNess... !!! :eek: !!! ...


...Why do you plan to Destroy Loyales in that way? it hurts... :confused:


But Well, one question: Did you saw one episode of the "Knight Rider 2000" 80´s Series? in one episode, they use a Ford Crown-Victoria with Hidden solid steel reinforced Iron Bumper, under the Original front bumber, it "Pops-Up" with the Touch of a Button (Hydraulic), just when it´s needed (To Crash Someone else´s Car) it protects the front of the car really good (it´s TV, you know...:rolleyes:...Anything´s Possible) and then it hides itself.


Do you saw it?


So, maybe you can try to Hide Something Really Hard as a Steel, in the car, in the place where the Original bumber goes, and then cover it with the original plastic bumber cover, just to get it looks like the original one... But since it is cheating, I must tell you that DO NOT DO THAT!. take care about your Drivin´, Yourself and the other ones!


But using a Loyale (Or Any Subie) for demolition Derby is Bad Idea, since they got REALLY Front Engine (it means, it is placed IN FRONT of the Front wheels), and it can be damaged really easy.


:) Anyway... Good Luck! :)

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Go for it. The loyale's are higher, so the bumper may clear the other cars, smooshing their radiatiors. DO NOT CHEAT. Not fair, and someone might get hurt.


I think the most hardcore demo derby is the banger racing that they practice in UK. I went through a bunch of the websites, and they were using Transit vans vs. car based vans. People left in ambulances and helicopters. They also practice "chained pairs", where 2 cars are chained together and compete with other chained pairs. The last pair dragging winns. All the racing is done on a loop course, not a pit, so the speeds get up there.

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  Loyale 2.7 Turbo said:

... !!!

:eek: !!! ...Oh my HolyCowNess... !!! :eek: !!! ...



...Why do you plan to Destroy Loyales in that way? it hurts... :confused:





So, maybe you can try to Hide Something Really Hard as a Steel, in the car, in the place where the Original bumber goes, and then cover it with the original plastic bumber cover, just to get it looks like the original one...


But using a Loyale (Or Any Subie) for demolition Derby is Bad Idea, since they got REALLY Front Engine (it means, it is placed IN FRONT of the Front wheels), and it can be damaged really easy.



:) Anyway... Good Luck! :)


iam not going to try hide an steel any were the cars. the cars have to be totaly stirped out, no glass the whole inside, all plastics, back seat and pass, carpet, and the bumper covers.you can leave the dash in place



and what would you do with 2 rusty loyale wagons with no titles live in pa with inspections, both not running and sitting sunking into the ground? iam giving the cars their last chance! i saved them from going to the junkyard for a while

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  95 super subbie said:
and what would you do with 2 rusty loyale wagons with no titles live in pa with inspections, both not running and sitting sunking into the ground? iam giving the cars their last chance! i saved them from going to the junkyard for a while


What you do with them is your business I suppose. But rust doesnt' have to be the end all be all of a car. Also, if it is too rusty, you could offer the salvageable parts up for other users. There are your cars; do what you want, but you'll understand if I'm not too enthusiastic about Subarus in a demolition derby.

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  Jack in Norfolk said:
What you do with them is your business I suppose. But rust doesnt' have to be the end all be all of a car. Also, if it is too rusty, you could offer the salvageable parts up for other users. There are your cars; do what you want, but you'll understand if I'm not too enthusiastic about Subarus in a demolition derby.


I Agree with Jack in Norfolk; it is just your business, I respect that so much.


But really I do Preffer to sell them in Parts, so they can continue "Living" trough other Subies. Maybe you can´t understand the fellin´...


It is like when a family got a dying son in a hospital, sometimes they choose to give the heart or somethin´ like that of their son, to another person who needs it; because the son are gonna die soon. By this way, they got the feelin´ like their son is still alive... in someone else´s human being... Also to cooperate to bring life to another dyin´ person.


It´s the Same feelin´... you can bring a whole "New" life to a "Dying" Loyale, by givin´ it´s parts to a running ones... but it is just my point of view... that is why I said that "Hurts"... but I respect your option very much, Really.


Also, I say: Good Luck!



Remember: Take care in all possible ways, it is too dangerous...

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