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need help removing idler/AC pulley

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I searched a million times and couldnt exactly figure it out... how do i remove the whole idler pulley out of an '86 GL? It has a long bolt that sticks out like an inch and a half, and a 12mm bolt also. I got the 12mm off but the hex one wont move for anything? :confused:


Also, what are the consequences for running one belt instead of two? Because it seems everything is hooked up with just one belt...

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There's only that 12mm bolt (on the right side) and the hex thingie (on the left side) Also, there's a nut holding the pulley on, but it turns on both sides and I cant get it off. The bearing broke and the whole pulley mechanism is shot...


I see nothing else though that would even relate to getting the tensioner off... :confused:

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Also, what are the consequences for running one belt instead of two? Because it seems everything is hooked up with just one belt...


That outer belt pissed me off because it was hard to keep at the same tension as the inner one, which caused it to squeal, so I removed the outer belt and tensioner; just running on the inner belt. Works fine. I keep a spare new belt in the trunk just in case.


I also took off the outer timing belt covers and the mechanical fan, to make it easier to work on whenever I need to adjust or change the belts. Pulling the fan also frees up a little horsepower. I'm not sure that my electrical fan comes on tho, so I keep an eye on the temp gauge if I'm idling for a while.

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take out the 12m bolt. take off the long hex part. the pullet will come away. thread on the long hex part to the stud so you dont lose it.


you can femmove the stud by sliding it all the wat to the hole on the end of the slot

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