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4EAT Protection Plate?


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Has anybody made a guard for your 4EAT pan? I've put a few little dings into the pan over the years, but thanks to an excursion a couple weeks ago I have a significant size dent. I can remove the pan and push it out, but it is only a matter of time before I do some serious damage!


I found some good mounting points at the rear of the 4EAT housing, and there is the frame crossmember in front of the exhaust pipe. I could make a simple sheet to go between those points, but the trans needs to be able to move relative to the frame crossmember, so that won't work.


Any ideas, suggestions, photos of solutions?

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good idea to try and fix this. i recall one instance of someone having inexplainable transmission problems with an XT6 years ago. ended up being the oil pan was dented enough to restrict flow to the oil pump sump. if you take the pan off, you'll notice the sump hangs down really low, not much clearance and would be easy to restrict oil flow or even bend the sump if the pan went up high enough.


on solutions, i have no idea. weld thick steel to the bottom? that way it dents the whole thing and not just part! how about a lift?

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Oh yes, a lift would be great! Even with a lift though, the 4EAT pan is a real weak point.


After spending some quality time under the car, looking for mounting points, there is nothing looking too good. So here is what I'm probably going to do, barring an epiphany or a better suggestion:


Luckily I have access to a sheet metal break at work, so I don't have to resort to the c-clamp break shown in the link! :grin:


Obviously, I'll just be making a mostly flat plate, with the front and rear edges rolled over around the pan. I'd be worried about more heat buildup due to the lack of cooling air running across the pan, but I have a large transmission cooler, so no worries.


Hopefully I'll get this done in the next month, or at least before I head out on the trail again, because I'd hate to cause some transmission damage! I might just order a replacement oil pan. That way I can start off with one that isn't damaged, and I can work on the guard while keeping the car in service.

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I am currently tying to configure a 4eat plate welded(alum.)to fit on my primitive skidplate with some rear mounting points .

Post some pics! I'm especially interested in what will be your rear mounting points.


a lift does ya no good cos ya know ur gonna go into more extreme terrain...

That is for sure! :eek:

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  • 1 year later...

Working on this myself.I'll be coming from the front of bullbar to back of tranny and will replace the sump guard as well.My tranny x member is custom so is plenty strong enought to mount off.At this stage it'll consist of 2 light weight rails with alloy checker plate attached.Something i'm a bit of a beliver in is making a guard the will absorb impact and not transfer the most of the impact back to the mounting points or into what you are trying to protect.

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I'll add my name to the list of people working on one. It looks like you could attach to the crossmember up front, much like the engine oil pan skidplate, but the rear is more of a challenge. I think I'm going to end up building a crossmember of sorts that attaches via the same bolts that hold the tranny crossmember. Not sure what thickness of material to use for the actual plate yet.

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