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Help! Antenna stuck in Pillar, routing seems hopeless

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Hey guys. I bought a '96 Outback (2.2) and the radio has never had good reception. I took a look today and found that the antenna was not hooked up and it was pulled up into the pillar of the car.


So, I want to hook the antenna up but I cannot get it routed through the bottom of the pillar. I have tried everything I can think of. Does anybody have an ideas? Thanks in advance.

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I would take the antenna off, and pull the cable off with it. Then fish something like solid core wire thru the pillar and connect it to the cable and pull it thru.


Thanks Tiny. The problem is I can not find the hole at the base of the pillar. I can't see past all the wiring and stuff under the dash and when I send a wire down the pillar I can't see where it ends up. :banghead:

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On a fairly old car if I had trouble hookin up the antenna I would just get a cheap auto parts fender antenna and install it on the right front fender where it is easy. I replaced my troublesome antenna on my Mercedes with an auto parts store one that worked better than the original.

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Hmmmmm, think,think,think...


You may need to take the seat out to make it easier to get to it and see it. 4 bolts and a connector or two.


How about a flashlight shining down from the top, or maybe some smoke? It might help you pinpoint it.

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