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What other car rimms will fit a Gl?

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Well I did search for "wheels" but should have tried rims. Next time I will look a litle harder. Thanks though for the help, I will just try to find 14" wheels from an older subaru then. Oh and thanks for the link bella.


Good luck with that.. There were very few 14 inch 4x140 wheels that actually made it into the US.


Peugeot 505 and 504 wheels are you best bet. THey were available in 14 and 15 inch form. 405 wheels will not fit. Also, a lot of the early 80s (pre-85) subaru wheels will not work, as the rub on the brake caliper)


Your other options are 5 lug conversion (thats what I did.. I now use 16 inch WRX wheels)


Or the 6 lug conversion

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