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Any Ideas? 89 Subaru GL Has an Owie

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if you pull out the tranny dipstick and whip it clean,you should see some etching/writing on it to tell you if it's full when cold or hot and when it needs trans gear lube.


wish i had a pic to better show you.


oh btw-do you still have the owners manual-it'll show you how to check it in there even with a pic.


it is nice to see a female that's not affraid to check her own cars fluids.i had the hardest time getting my sister to do anything except put gas in and drive her cars.


Cool! I got it!! Boy, I sure do feel dumb. Oh well. Good to learn. I found the dip stick again and lo and behold, there was a low and high mark. Sheesh! The grease -- very light -- was about 2 lines above low. Looks like there are about 10 lines between low and full. So I guess that means it is OK?


So far, all the darn transmission shops that I've contacted will only use their own parts, no used trannys can be brought to them, and want to take it apart and look before they'll estimate. This is starting to sound more expensive.

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under the hood on top of the motor it might say turbo ,the fluid for the tranny is real thick and smells pretty bad, not like oil , check the manual it should show how to check it , it seems to me it might be alittle low , i am sure some board member closer than me would put a fwd tranny in for you

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Cynthia...I have been holding off saying anything on this post..but girl...come on!!!! Get over the "eww sticky oil all over my acrylic nails"!!!! I dont think you realize there are quite a few of us females on this board who wrench our own cars.... Me being one of them...and I actually have witnesses to me doing it WITH my acrylic nails.I totally understand your ordeal. I love my Loyale as much as you love yours.I am also very very picky about my car (ask anyone who has heard me complain LOL). But please stop playing the "its ok cause I am a dumb female" act. You just have never been educated on this stuff.. Ask the questions...we have heard it all and have never judged anyone for being uneducated thats what this board is here for. I am happy to see you are trying and learning. As for garages doing the work...you had better be careful.They will try to rob you blind!!! Just ask some local friends over for a cookout and tranny swap party...Its so easy ..honestly!! We pulled my engine...resealed it...put in a new clutch..rebuilt the oil pump....and put new front breaks on my Loyale in less then a day. I am serious its very easy..


Good Luck!!

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under the hood on top of the motor it might say turbo ,the fluid for the tranny is real thick and smells pretty bad, not like oil , check the manual it should show how to check it , it seems to me it might be alittle low , i am sure some board member closer than me would put a fwd tranny in for you


Ok. got it. Well, I finally got up the nerve to drive it. I've been scared to do so, for some odd reason.


Wierdest darn thing. Two guys that have driven it -- both said they could not get it into 4th and had rough spots with the other gears. I drove it and it went through every gear just fine. I downshifted and upshifted, testing and trying to duplicate. No go. One fellow I called and he was dumbfounded. He said anytime he tried to get it to go to 4th it started grinding and wouldn't even get close; had to bypass and go to 5th. Go figure.


This has got to be Soobie love for me, hmm? :clap:


I do hear sound that is to me "engine sound" but they call it roaring sound when in gear and moving. No sounds when engaging clutch.


So, I guess I can drive it to a better shop this week and I'll have them diagnose. I still believe it's tranny..but now I think it's early stage or some part that has gone haywire.


At least I am no longer freaked!


THANK YOU TO EVERYONE HERE. I have bookmarked this site. Amazing place...with some of the most helpful people I have ever met on the planet! Sure has eased my soul to be able to talk with fellow owners and to be listened to !!! and helped. wow.:D

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ask a local board member to test drive before you take it to a shop , because the shop may take you for a ride for alot of $$$$$ , + the board member who drives it may be able to put a tranny in for you


i agree


i'm sure there's someone here that's near Cynthia that is willing to help her out with this....


come on guys/gals come forward.


(it'll give you a chance to drive another subie):brow:

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ask a local board member to test drive before you take it to a shop , because the shop may take you for a ride for alot of $$$$$ , + the board member who drives it may be able to put a tranny in for you



Great Idea!

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What does the clutch pedal feel like when its pushed in? Where does the clutch engage? Close to the floor or way up at the top? I'm asking because this could also be a clutch issue. When you said you drove it again and it shifted fine, it might be the clutch acting up and just might need an adjustment.

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What does the clutch pedal feel like when its pushed in? Where does the clutch engage? Close to the floor or way up at the top? I'm asking because this could also be a clutch issue. When you said you drove it again and it shifted fine, it might be the clutch acting up and just might need an adjustment.


but would the clutch acting up only cause problems with 4th gear like she said in an earlier post


Wierdest darn thing. Two guys that have driven it -- both said they could not get it into 4th and had rough spots with the other gears. I drove it and it went through every gear just fine. I downshifted and upshifted, testing and trying to duplicate. No go. One fellow I called and he was dumbfounded. He said anytime he tried to get it to go to 4th it started grinding and wouldn't even get close; had to bypass and go to 5th. Go figure
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Holy! Wow you are far away for being in just the next state. Didn't realize Pullman, WA was really somewhere in the south seas....


I wish you luck, and sugest you find a reputable shop.... maybe even consider taking it somewhere farther away that has a reputable shop. I'm sure the WA people will be able to sugest a few. 100 or 200 miles for a decent, correct repair is worth it. Take a grayhound back or rent a car maybe.


If the tranny fluid seems low, add a little. Check the clutch cable - it's under your spare tire connected to a blue fork looking device. It should not be loose. If you can move it at all, it should be tightened till it's snug. You can do this yourself with just 10 and 12 mm wrenches, or even a pair of pliers and a small crescent wrench. I've also seen places advertise free clutch adjustment.


Have a board member look at it though - and takers? I'm sure if you offer a pack of beer or something someone will drop by and take a look.



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She stated the 2 other guys that drove it said they could not get it into 4th and were having probs getting into other gears (rough spots).


but would the clutch acting up only cause problems with 4th gear like she said in an earlier post
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If the Gear Oil is low, and smells really bad (something dead and rotting smell/rotten eggs) would suggest changing it - and getting it up to the proper level. driving it with low gear oil is not a very good idea, could cause more damage.


Changing the gear oil is just about as easy as changing engine oil - there is a drainplug on the bottom of the tranny. pull that - you will get dirty - and let the oil drain into a pan. it may take a little while, this stuff is thick! once it is empty, put the plug back in, refill with the a good quality 80/90 gear oil to the proper level, test drive and double check oil level.


Come on Guys/Gals - there has to be somebody within decent driving distance that could help Cynthia out here! I would, but as I said - 2000 miles is a little far....

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Well, I'm back. I took it today, slowly, to a car repair/gasoline shop very close to home ...they know me...course, small town..... the owner, Darren, said there are gears grinding and growling badly inside the transmission, like something is falling apart, he said. And then, he drove it with me. He couldn't get into fourth. I drove it..and once again, went through all the gears. Sooo strange. But the lo down is that's that.


His shop wanted 1100 to fix it. That broke down to 274 for 4 hours of labor,475 for used tranny with 8000 miles on it, and 300 for miscellaneous (tranny fluid, possible new clutch).


So, I went to another shop that I had some CV boots done at and that friends highly recommend, even though it's in a small town of no more than 1000 folks. Pullman is huge at 20,000! He told me that they'd charge me 240 for the labor for 4 hours of work. But he worried about where to get a tranny at a decent price. A board member had suggested earlier that I call Seattle, Wash., yard with Soob parts. I called. Here's the website if anyone wants it for future use:


Aarons Auto Wrecking: Used and Remanufactured Subaru Parts




They quoted me $265 plus 100 for shipping.


I called back to the small town shop and told him. He said that while I had made that call that he'd been curious himself and did some calling. He found at a yard a used transmission with 5,000 miles on it (!!) for 250. His book wanted it marked it up by 75 dollars, so it went for 325. All told price for repair is 240 plus 325 or 565.


I am holding my breath for that other work, too. The clutch is 4 years old but because the oil has been leaking recently (cleaned out sludge in valve piston with some fluid stuff and that caused seal to leak but valves to be nice and clean..sigh) there is a possibility, I have been told, that the oil could have damaged the clutch somehow. Dunno.


Well, I arranged to get the work done. So, next week is when it will happen. Hope nothing goes wrong. Feels OK.


thank YOU!!!!!!

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One more thing:


Should I still get the Redline? It wouldn't save the current tranny would it????

I was thinking about using it in the used one to be installed.


Should I still check the current tranny's oil. I didn't smell any egg stuff. It looks more like a thicker version of Vaseline...only a tiny bit yellower, I guess.


I had my acrylic nails redone today. The manicurist said, "Where did all this grease stuff come from." I just smiled. Lipstick and engines. What a combination.


Too bad nobody is near me here in Pullman. But I suppose if one did come, you wouldn't leave. This town traps people. Nearly everyone here is not a townie. There's something in the air....



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