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alright foks i have a problem

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i have a 88 GL wagon with the 1.8lt with the fuel injection thottle body. 5 speed dual ranch tranny. anyway my problem is in 2nd and 3rd grear when i get on it like pulling out on to a street i car will lug like getting to much gas or air or not enough. i know its not the clutch because this happens i have already release the clutch. anyway do any of you have any idea what might cause this. i just down loaded the a manual from here and i couldn't find anything in about what would really cause this problem. also when its quite in my car i can hear the fuel pump running from the driver seat. it sounds really load. it that normal? things i have done to try and fix the problem clean air senor in air intake to carb. clean the te carb with carb cleaner. put a hole can through it. not all at once. would spray some in run the motor and then spray some more. check all the vamum hoses and for leaks arounf the base. any info would nice thanks.

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